Don't Starve Together, free multi-player update
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Gamerdating Team - June 04, 2015
Don't Starve, has announced their latest update, a multiplayer update, free to all those currently supporting; Don't Starve Together!
If you didn't own it previous, you will not have been given the free update, yet the game is still in early access. Since the Early Access launch in December, new "DLC" and patches adding new creatures, new games modes, and added significant improvements to modding with general updates have been free, now they are happy to announce Don't Starve Together (DST).
Who got Don't Starve Together for Free?
Don't Starve Together was added to the original purchase of Don't Starve. This means, that if you purchased Don't Starve at any time before June 3rd, Don't Starve Together is included with your purchase. If you purchased Don't Starve Together separately before June 3rd, you were given an extra copy of DST at that time, and you will not be given another key for Don't Starve Together.
You can read more, and the FAQ over at the Steam Announcement.
A few of us here at GamerDating played this on early access launch, and we all shared our stories, screenshots and adventures. Now we are looking forward to the new multiplayer where we can actually play together! Have an awesome screenshot? Share it with us!