Mirrors Edge: Catalyst to be at E3
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Gamerdating Team - June 10, 2015
Over the last few weeks we've had further hints and teasers from the Mirrors Edge team, but now they've announced they will be giving us another teaser at E3.
Two years ago we revealed that we were making a new Mirror’s Edge™. Last year, we gave you a behind the scenes look into some of the early progress we had made. And though we haven't said much else in all that time, we have been listening. Thank you for your incredible passion and your patience. I'm excited to tell you that it's paid off — by this time next week, you will have finally seen more of the game at E3.
Mirror's Edge is set in a quasi-futuristic dystopian society, in which a network of 'runners', including the main character, Faith, act as couriers to transmit messages while evading government surveillance. In the style of a three-dimensional platform game, the player guides Faith over rooftops, across walls, through ventilation shafts, and otherwise within urban environments, negotiating obstacles using movements inspired by parkour.
We want the game to be accessible enough to embrace new players while at the same time reward the skilled player. We are also committed to provide the best 1st person close combat in the world. Advanced combat that is integrated into an improved fluidity of movement. These are not small undertakings, but they are challenges that we are up for.
Did you play Mirrors Edge? The game was a real treat, in style, gameplay and design. I only always wished it had multiplayer, cooperative mode perhaps. Here is to hoping they introduce it!