Total War: Warhammer Information
Posted By:
Gamerdating Team - June 30, 2015
Total War: Warhammer is coming, and the hype is growing. I personally (Alex) cannot wait for the release and I wait with hope, and fear I will be disappointed. Yet here I am watching videos, reading interviews and getting even more hyped.
If you've yet to see the scripted battle of Total War: Warhammer check out the cinematic announcement trailer over on the Total War Youtube Channel which introduces the armies available.
I've always dreamed that one day, Creative Assembly would pick up the Warhammer IP and create the best Total War yet, and when they SEGA picked it up from THQ in 2013, I was sad to see THQ go but at the same time stoked to see it get into CA's hands. I think the whole world is with me on that one as in 2 months the Youtube trailer has had 4.5 milion views.
Some of you know Angry Joe and I'd advise checking out a really passionate interview where Angry Joe and Creative Assembly Battle Designer Simon Mann get hyped with one another. While I've written up the bullet points, I strongly recommend you check out the infectious excitement of Total War: Warhammer.
Total War: Warhammer will be a 3 part trilogy where you can buy standalone games with their own campaign maps, items and factions. Each part will bolt on to one another growing the campaign map with each one. The first part will be bringing us the Vampire Counts, Empire, Greenskin, and Dwarfs.
Magic was confirmed and explained a little, The "Winds of Magic" is a shared mana pool which will be available to your armies mages and casters. You could take 100 mages, yet have very little impact or instead a few mages that could achieve the same task. With balance in mind you could blow your magic in one big heavy spell as seen in the trailer, or smaller buffs and debuffs to specific units.
Environments will be more interactive than previous Total War Games and will feature the Battle of Blackfire Pass, the story campaign and leave us hanging for more information. Still focusing on individual fights and they talk about kinetic battle collisions where the front lines jump at one another as they collide. Quest battles are occurrences which attack you with a pre-set army which touches on the lore and history of Warhammer.
They touch on unique play-styles in reference to the armies. The heroic Empire with politics and lords vying for control, compared to the Greenskin Orcs fighting one another to be da biggest and da best!
Heroes are the agents, but rather than a bland "spy" or "monk", they are characters. Characters that have been with you from the beginning growing and evolving alongside you, a Warpriest or a Orc Chieftain.
I really recommend taking 20 minutes to check out this hyped up interview if you want to learn more.