World of Warcraft 7.1 Legion Patch: Return to Karazhan!
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GamerDating - August 18, 2016
Gamescon keeps on giving, as livestreamer Slootbag had a small interview with Ion Hazikostas about the first patch for Legion.
Patch 7.1 will be titled Return to Karazhan and it will hit the PTR shortly after Legion releases featuring:
- Karazhan will be a large 5-man dungeon, almost a 5-player raid with 9+ bosses.
- The old raid will still remain, they do not want to remove that piece of history from the game.
- A small raid between Emerald Nightmare and Nighthold that will wrap up the story of Stormheim.
- More outdoor content
The trailer is available over at YouTube of MMOChampion: