Updates and Fixes
Posted By:
Gamerdating Team - February 23, 2015
Hello all,
Thank you for your continued support, reports and emails about errors, bugs and features. We take everything on board and strive to build the best service for all.
We've been busy this last week fixing some glaring bugs involving:
- Landing page game art.
- Landing page graphical bugs fixed and load speed improved.
- Game Library now pulls games correctly.
- Footer layout bugs fixed.
- Subscription displaying incorrectly.
- Some users lacking the correct permissions.
- Payment gateway now accepts payments >.<
- Sign up process for games now loads correctly.
- Tabs on dashboard now work in Firefox.
We are always looking to improve, fix and find the bugs, and to help people reference "updates" we'll name this Version 2.1.
Please email any bugs or suggestions to team@gamerdating.com
We are improving the website in a tiered process with each step releasing new features, fixes and improvements. As a sneak peak of SOME of things to come we are now working on:
- Extra photo gallery.
- Integration with Facebook.
- Live article feed on landing page.
- Improved story (changes).
- Improved geo location match making.
- Improved predictive search for the Game Library.
- Improved messaging.
We have great ideas and dreams for the service, so more things will come.
For now, have a great week and good luck in your search for love, friends and fun.