Cities: Skylines Available with our 4 Month Subscription
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GamerDating - March 03, 2016
Have you played Cities: Skylines? Our team loves it and you can get a key for free, bundled with a gold subscription on GamerDating.
Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience. With a very positive score on Steam and 8.9 metacritic score, players are often singing praises.
Cities: Skylines also has access to mod support and workshops bringing you all sorts of mods and addons like the fps experience, driving cars, a nod to the sim copter days. What we like so much about this game is the constant development, patches and updates that Colossal Order, the developers, continue to bring us.
You can pick up Cities: Skylines base game with your gold subscription and start building your dream city today.
Build a city, tweet us your designs and we'll award the most creative, down right pretty, or hilarious chaotic cities ;)
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