Tips for Writing a Great 'About Me' Section
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Melissa - October 06, 2015
You’ve made the first step on your quest for love and joined GamerDating. You’ve uploaded a picture and added some of your favorite games to your library, now it is time to fill in your profile information. Your ‘About Me’ section is one of the most important, and sometimes intimidating, pieces of an online dating profile.
It is difficult to sum ourselves up in a hundred or so words. We’ve gathered a short list of five things to keep in mind while you write:
Know who you’re talking to.
Think about the person you want to find and write with them in mind. If you are looking for someone who loves flowery language, pepper in a couple of your favorite uncommonly used words. Looking for someone who catches your love of obscure movies? Covertly add a couple of your favorite quotes and see who gets it.
Don’t just regurgitate cliches.
Write like you speak and avoid the typical things like “I like long walks on the beach” and “I’m looking for someone with a good sense of humor.”
Share your values.
Your potential Player 2 wants to know what you believe and what is important to you up front. Leaving this out misses an important opportunity to connect to someone on a deeper level.
Ask a friend to help.
It is sometimes hard to objectively look at ourselves - we can miss what others find to be our best strengths. Having a friend look over your ‘About Me’ section will give you a better idea of how your writing will be perceived.
Don’t make it all about you.
Remember, dating can be scary for everyone involved - if you tell potential matches who you are looking for, those who fit will feel more inclined to contact you because they know they are less likely to be rejected.
Remember that you can always go back and change things so there is no need to put pressure on yourself to be perfect. The most important thing is that the ‘About Me’ section shows your personality. You are awesome and with a little bit of thought, someone will see that shining through.