GamerDating Patch 25th February - Anti-Spam and Bot Tools and General Improvements
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GamerDating Team - February 25, 2019
Spammers, Bots lose with our new anti-spam system. Huge bug fixes roll out for QoL.
So far in 2019 we have rolled out a few stealth bug fixes to address reported bugs, but overall we have been working on fighting the spammers and botters.
Each week we take your feedback, bug reports and suggestions and plug them into our roadmap.
In the last few months we've been in a full war with spammers, and you can read more about our spam war here and here in our previous updates and stay tuned for, hopefully, our latest spam war report.
This month we've focused on bug fixes and quality of life improvement alongside our spam filters.
- We had some reports from users who had multiple friend requests listed who would start accepting or denying and the page would reload entirely. We've added some code to fix that and now you can interact with all requests, in one go, on the page, at once!
- We have updated some copy, hoverstates and pop-ups to further explain certain areas to avoid confusion.
- We have made it so messages when clicked now automatically load the message in question, rather than the messages page.
- Spammers and Bots tools, should lead to a reduction in email notifications from botters. Please report those bots!
- Various pre-foundation code for gender, matches and search improvements for next update.
- Neater and smoother transitions and speed update on page loads.
- Improved messages.
- Cleaned up CSS.
- Mobile user experience improved with CSS alignments in regards to dashboard buttons that was affecting some users.
- Stopped a bug which would split up messages from users to recieve duplicated message thread instances.
- Improved our Password Reset page.
- Confirmation Email and Notification emails were firing both at the same time, added logic to have stricter rules.
- Various back-end improvements to run the site, faster and faster.
- Fixed bug with people signing up being unable to select a game addon.
- PS and XBox gift cards available.
- PS and XBox gift cards available.
So you keen-eyed folks may have seen in our bug list and work that we've already started to re-form our database and back-end to improve how we call and find your special Player 2. In the coming months we are rolling out (In no particular order):
- Gender improvements for search and matches to allow more genders to be searched at once.
- Genre options to allow more game genres to be selected in your profile.
- Sign up improvments and filter which ties in to further spam wars. Now we are ahead of spamming, we will continue to develop more tools for us and you to proactively clean the userbase of spam in future.
- Improving photo upload and adding new tools.
- Implementing a new policy for profiles to filter out fake and low effort profiles.
- Improving copy and adding tutorials to help first time sign-in users get straight into finding their Player 2 faster.
- Extra games
- Extra articles on advice to find your Player 2.
- Dedicated roadmap section
- More that we can't reveal just yet ;)
Please please, if you find a bug, report it.
Send in screenshots, videos and if you can, detailed information on how to replicate it.
Any bugs we can confirm we will fix and award that reporter with some free time to say thanks. <3
Don't forget to send in feedback and help us shape the best platform for you to find your player 2.
That's it for this update, as usual, thanks for reporting in all those bugs you do find, everyone who does as usual gets a month's access to GamerDating for free so we hope everyone who found them before is having fun!
We are here for you guys, so if you need us for anything please reach out and we'll solve whatever is bugging you (pun intended).
Good luck finding your special Player 2, and enjoy your game dates.
The GamerDating Team