Spam Wars 2018! (The death of the fake profile)
Posted By:
James - June 18, 2018
1 2 3 4, I declare a Spam war!
Hey gamers, this is an article to do a couple of things, first to tell you that everyone who's experiencing any spam right now, either from emails or fake profiles, we are on it!
We've got 2 new updates coming out to address spammers and the multiple emails being sent to some users which is really annoying them. The first of which is being rolled out tomorrow which will stop the extreme level of spam email some users are experiencing.
Overall though, our goal is a fake profile free GamerDating, and we want to be totally clear with everybody on this one:
But why are there even fake profiles at all? A lot of dating services and even gaming services we've used in the past have relied on fake profiles, spam profiles and even fake messages from users to try and engage them, create buzz, to try and drag you back to their service. This is a misleading and anti-consumer practice which we do not believe in, and in no way condone or endorse.
We want to say clearly and concisely that we have always found this practice despicable, and we will never, ever send you messages from fake users, just to try and get your attention. It erodes trust in us as a great network, it erodes trust from our partners, and it erodes trust from the most important people of all, you guys, our gamers.
If you're concerned about a user, you can do 2 things, block them, and flag them.
If you want to block someone, head to that person's profile and hit the block button like so:
If you hit this by accident, don't worry, you can always unblock them in your "Connections" tab.
We've already done a ton of stuff to address fake profile spamming, like deleting profiles who include suspicious emails in the bios or messages, people instantly 1upping everyone they can see to drag people to read their profiles, and a few other smart filtering things to stop you from ever being harassed by spammers.
However, we still need your help! So I want to give you a quick heads-up about how we as a community can stop spammers quickly and efficiently.
When you're browsing any profile you suspect to be a spammer, in the top of their profile will be this little flag:
Hit that flag and report that bot! You're going to be helping your fellow gamers from being disappointed when hearing the person they thought was into them is just another spammer looking to send you an offer, a virus, or worse.
We're going to win the war against anti-consumer practices and fake and misleading people and companies with small actions like this together, and we feel really proud of all the feedback you're sending our way to do just that, so thank you all for seeing our vision, and understanding how important trust is for everyone on GamerDating.
Thanks so much for your continued support! We're happy and proud of all the feedback you guys are offering to us freely and we appreciate ya'll :)