Dying Light now available in the gold package
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Gamerdating Team - May 20, 2015
Dying Light, announced today that its been one hundred days since the outbreak in Harran and already 4,5 million survivors trapped inside. That is 4.5 million unique players are in Harran. Do you want to join them?
With our gold package you get 12 months subscription of full sitewide access enabling you to communicate with that special someone all on our gamer dating site. Plus it helps support GamerDating to bring you new features and as a thank you we give you a copy of Dying Light so you can run, gun and get involved in one of the best zombie co-op games about. Maybe that video game dating is something of a reality where you can date a gamer instead of that evening in the local bar.
Check out more about Dying Light at their website.
If you pick up Dying Light, let us know on Twitter about your game date.