E3 Tuesday Recap
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Gamerdating Team - June 17, 2015
E3 Officially kicked off today and released a torrent of great news from Nintendo, Square Enix and some cool bits of news about Star Wars Battlefront. Many news sites are now sharing their hands on experience with multiple games as the show floors have opened up.
GameSpot has been reporting and these are few of the top bits of news:
- The Wii U Star Fox was officially named as Star Fox Zero,
- Super Mario Maker is coming in September.
- Square Enix look at the Just Cause 3.
- GameSpot tried out co-op in the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront.
- Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, doesn't allow players to use guns.
- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End will conclude the story of Nathan Drake.
- Confirmed July Beta for Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void
Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled as E3 has kicked off, news will be flowing.
What is your best bit of news? Personally I am eager to play some game dates on Hoth ;)