Frog Fractions 2 - Cult Game Found!
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GamerDating - December 29, 2016
In 2012, a browser game called Frog Fractions was released by developer Jim Crawford going by the name of Twinbeard.
The game features a frog sitting on a lilly pad and letting his tongue out to catch various mosquitoes and bugs in order to protect fruit positioned at the bottom of the screen. While it starts as your basic flash game it suddenly takes an unexpected twist, adding lazer lock on targeting, static aoe type attacks and flying dragons.. and I mean, I could tell you more but instead, just play it ;)
The game picked up a cult following as the game continued to surprise with twists and turns that change the mechanics, the game and leads to a crazy adventure. The game soon became an in joke and a huge hit, with a large crowd hankering for more.
To experience the true Frog Fractions you need to play it. You simply need to play it.
Twinbeard decided he would release Frog Fractions 2 with a Kickstarter and in an unusual, but in character, release he announced an ARG to discover the game.
In March 2014, a successful Kickstarter campaign of $70,000 Frog Fractions 2 was a go. However, there were a few caveats:
- The game will not be named Frog Fractions 2 or likely resemble Frog Fractions
- The game will not be credited to Twinbeard Studios as the creators
- The game's release date is unknown, so the game may or may not be available
- When the "jig is up" (the game is found), Kickstarter backers/Slacker Backers will receive a copy of the game
Bearing these points in mind, the end goal of the Frog Fractions 2 ARG was to discover the "true identity" of Frog Fractions 2.
After 2 long years of an incredibly detailed search throughout 15 other Indie games, it has now been found in another Steam game called Glittermitten Grove.
The original conception can be quoted straight from Twinbeard himself:
I created Frog Fractions explicitly to evoke the air of mystery that all video games held in the 1980s
You can check out the incredibly long and detailed ARG record over at Game Detectives
You can check out the Kickstarter here and remember, backers can get the game from the Humble Bundle links now the "jig is up".
You can check out Glittermitten Grove here.
You can check out Frog Fractions here and I recommend you do, right now!