Trailer Released for Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
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Melissa - August 03, 2015
The trailer for Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture was released by The Chinese Room today (check it out here) and I have been sucked into another reason to buy a PlayStation 4. The story is set in a post-apocalypse nightmare that looks like it will have some twisted surprises. This is a studio known for survival horror, so I’m expecting long nights of adrenaline after the August 11 release.
The website for the game is filled with more screen shots and videos that are well worth the look. Their media page has some of the music - another reason I am excited for this game. Composer Jessica Curry spoke to IGN in March about her inspirations and her ambition to use music as a narrative tool in games. It is really exciting to see games like this come out where there is no super-buff hero at the center of everything, instead focusing on techniques to connect to the player and bring them along a crazy journey into madness.