Awesomenauts Announces Expansion Coming Soon
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The GamerDating Team - December 22, 2015
Awesomenauts, the 2-D side scrolling MOBA, has announced an update that will be released in early 2016. While the user base of the game is smaller than its free-to-play counterparts, this one is definitely worth a try for anyone who isn’t a habitual MOBA player as well as those who enjoy the typical Dota format.
The update will bring three new characters: time-travelling inventor Professor M. Yoolip, hyperbike-riding bounty hunter Chucho Krokk, and the LUX5000 bot piloted by twin babies Jimmy and Amy. There will also be some changes to visuals and mechanics, however there weren’t a lot of details given for those fine-tuning points.
The most important thing to be added with this expansion is the new matchmaking system. The most common complaint we’ve seen about the game isn’t about the game itself, it is about the lack of players with equal abilities, making for a lot of waiting time and bot battles. Though the population isn’t something they can directly fix, the new matchmaking system promises to be more stable and do a better job of quickly matching teams and taking connection quality into account.
Also announced is the release of a new map called Starstorm Station coming in the first part of 2016 as well as an Awesomenauts community designed character named Ix the Interloper. These updates will be free to players.
Have you played Awesomenauts? Send us your review at for a chance to be featured on the dashboard feed! If you haven't, just a heads up: it is currently on sale at Steam for $2.49 and you can get a three-pack to give keys to your friends for $4.99. Ah, the Steam Winter Sale.