Cemu 1.7.4 Emulation of Breath of The Wild
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GamerDating - March 22, 2017
Nintendo's Zelda: Breath of the Wild hit the stores and has been rated as one of the top games this year, if not this decade. Earning a rank of 97/100 on Metacritic and taking its top spot the world is all looking at Breath of the Wild.
Breath of the Wild came out alongside The Nintendo Switch and also released for the Wii U and only two weeks ago, the two developer masters behind the Wii U Emulator; CEMU released a video of Breath of the Wild running. They were able to play through the first section. When I say play, I say experience the first bit and world wrought with bugs, glitches and errors. The accomplishment was respected by emulator and ROM developers around the world for doing so much in a such a short time.
Now only two weeks later the developers have released a sneaky look at all the fixes they have accompllished.
The 1.7.4 version seems to be running with nearly all physics working, grass fires, weapons, collision and with a few graphical glitches. This has led to speculation that it will not be long before emulators will be able to run Breath of the Wild from their PC or Laptop.
The CEMU emulator is available for free, and is advertised as a highly experimental system. The developers have a running Patreon where people have started to support them to encourage development of the CEMU emulator. The question now raised by some is if the Patreon is for supporting the CEMU software, or to encourage the development of Breath of the Wild?
While Emulation was ruled legal in the United States, will Nintendo see this?
Would you support the development of Breath of the Wild?
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