Counter Strike Go launch Operation Bloodhound
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Gamerdating Team - May 27, 2015
Now available to all CounterStrike:GO players, Operation Bloodhound introduces 6 community maps to official matchmaking, as well as all-new XP-driven profile Ranks--rank up by scoring in your favorite game modes and get a decorated weapon as a reward for your first Rank each week. It is said some of the maps are repeats, back by popular demand.
The Operation Bloodhound pass awards 62 new campaign maissions, new Falchion Weapons Case and offers 89 new weapon finishes.
The pack introduces Profile ranks, which are viewable in game. You can play on offical servers to gain XP and various modes offer different methods to earn XP.
It is important to note, without the pack you can still play the new maps, but you will not benefit from the various exclusives and missions.
Will you be picking up an access key for BloodHound to play the new coop missions with your game date?