E3 Thursday Recap and End!
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Gamerdating Team - June 19, 2015
This is the last recap of E3 and for more indepth E3 news check out the E3 Expo site. E3 has been an interesting array of announcements, rehashes, promises and full fledged marketing. However amongst all the announcements we've had some great news.
- Destiny's The Taken King expansion with a continued story.
- Interesting talk with GameSpot and the creator of the Oculus about the future of VR.
- To take some of the pretencious edge of scientific quotes, you may now see quotes from Jaden Smith in No Man's Sky.
- Streets of Rage Meets Hotline Miami in New Mother Russia Bleeds Trailer
Finally, here at GamerDating we would like to give Kingdom Come Deliverance the crown for E3.