GamerDating Patch - Advanced Matchmaking!
Posted By:
Alex - June 27, 2019
The Advanced Matchmaking system
With our new matchmaking update we have completely refactored the way matches are found, idenfied and presented to you. This was a feature delayed slightly from launch, because we wanted to gauge first:
- How people were interacting with our old system
- How many people you want to find every day
- How often you want to be reminded and emailed about having new matches
It turns out, you want to meet as many people as possible! So we've designed advanced matchmaking - which is free for everyone - around this principal, without trying to sacrifice the quality of your matches.
New Matches
New matches will be calculated daily, added to your queue and will allow you to check out new matches whenever you wish to login. If you do not login, we'll continue to find matches and queue them up ready for a day of active soul searching.
We keep generating matches for you, because we didn't want to penalise you when you'd rather be gaming, and feel beholden to login to benefit. This way you can be logged out and still be finding new single gamers.
You will see two new buttons on your matches:
Refresh Matches
The new refresh matches button will load the next batch of matches from your queue.
Que Size
Will display a numerical value of matches waiting in your queue for you to interact with.
Our advanced system will find those best aligned with you with a few specific attributes weighted for the best results (such as activity and full profiles).
As always, for the best success, ensure your profile is fully complete, with all details in all fields. Share your soul in your About Me section to show you are serious. We can share with you that 95% of the time, those with full profiles have more success as it shows you are invested, care and serious about finding your special Player 2, and as GamerDating has been designed as a relationship site in mind - this makes sense.
When your advanced queue is empty and your matches done, move on to "Find a Date" to search for further singles, or check back the following day for further matches.
How often do I receive new matches?
Everyone will receive new matches every day.
You'll receive an email about your new matches waiting for you every 3 days until you login.
You can change these settings in your Email settings if you'd like more or less.
We definitely don't want to spam you guys, so set this as you wish and give us some feedback about the number you're receiving if it's too high!
Quality of Life
Thank you to everyone who sends in well reported feedback and suggestions. We read and discuss everything you send in so we can develop the good stuff and give you the best service possible.
From your feedback we've implemented some changes including the simple change of opening new matches, search results and story links in a new tab rather than the same window. Simple but effective.
We have adjusted some copy to make it clearer and put in place new error messages.
Our Global Site Optimisation is here to ensure you have the best response times and that the site runs smoothly without error. Constantly improving and min/maxing! ;)
New Matchmaking Emails
We will now be emailing everyone new matches based on your last visit.
As detailed above, we will be generating matches for your queue but if you haven't visted for a few days we'll send those emails right to you.
We are working with adjustng our email frequency based on request and feedback to give you more matches and more chance to find your special Player 2.
By default we will send you matchmaking logs after 4 days of your last visit, we'll follow up then 7 days after your last visit.
Don't want to get emailed?
You can easily opt out of any email type on your mailing settings here. Click the tab at the top to change to Mailing.
This means if you get matched, you are more likely to be found by others so do not forget to ensure your profile is complete for the best impression.
You can read about more tips for your profile and writing an about me in our advice.
You can look forward to our next wave of updates later this month as we look at making it easier for you to signup and pay as you'd like as we tweak our sign up and add more payment gateway options.
Each week we take your feedback, bug reports and suggestions and plug them into our roadmap. Please send in your suggestions and feedback.
We are here for you guys, so if you need us for anything please reach out and we'll solve whatever is bugging you (pun intended).
Good luck finding your special Player 2, and enjoy your game dates.
The GamerDating Team