GamerDating will be your Shield!
Posted By:
Alex - May 10, 2019
GamerDating's launch is here and above all, we want you to be safe!
We will be your tank class while you take the role of hero, dps and healer as we take the blows from spam/fakes and bots.
When we made GamerDating one of our core missions was to ensure we had a safe, secure and real place for our users.
We didn't want to create a place for avatars to find other avatars, but real people, real gamers.
It was clear when our popularity grew, so did the appeal to spammers, bots, catfish and fakes. As we were hit last year from a surge of bots we were able to identify them, lock them down and purge them. Then they started sending in spammers, and we stopped that too. Now we see the occasional manual spammer and through our community and their reports we stop them too. Our vigilant moderators check daily over your reports and are ready to battle on further.
A bit like anti-hack software vs hackers in an FPS, we are under no illusion that we will stop all spammers forever. As we roll out new anti-spam measures, they will develop a new method to get around it, but we will never stop fighting for you. We will be the shield but in this case, you wont have DRM on your systems :D
We have a ZERO tolerance policy on abuse.
We're working on a new system to report messages themselves. Currently we're unable to access the messages you send to one another, this is because one of our core principals is privacy by design. However, often as is the case on any dating service, tempers can flare and real abuse can happen, in these cases we need evidence of bad behavior so gathering that comes from asking for consent from you guys. Currently we gather evidence from screenshots sent to us of conversations on the app, in app reporting of abuse will make it easier for everyone to feel a little bit safer! Remember for now you can always flag and tag people as explained in our "Spam war" articles later in this post.
You can help.
If you come across a troll or clear spammer, hit the flag icon on their profile. A notification will go to our moderators and we'll review that account.
If YOU identify a spammer, we will give you free time as a reward.
If we identify a spammer, bam, they will be removed.
We've built GamerDating as a place for all gamers to find love, date and have fun. We have a place where you can ALL be gamers, without the need to validate your hobby, passion or lifestyle.
Your data is safe!
We know that spammers, bots and fakers are not the only threat, and we want to assure you all that we are not some soulless mega company. All data and information about you will never be sold for advertising. We as gamers have fallen victim to such tactics before, and because of that will protect our growing community from as much harm as possible.
Being safe in the world
GamerDating is a place for you to find your special Player 2.
Real people finding real gamers, and with that comes its own problems. Not everyone is going to be a wonderful person. We do not advocate censorship in any kind, but we do expect people to keep it civil, clean and respectful.
Full support
Our resident psychologist Silja has written some advice pieces about keeping safe, reaching out to other users, filling out your profile and other advice pieces which may help you along the way.
Out of all the adventures you may have explored in the various landscapes, Hyrule, Midgard, Arkadia, Azeroth and so on... the real world is probably the hardest.
GamerDating is here to make that easier.
Good luck and have fun out there!