Introducing Ana - New Overwatch Support Hero
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GamerDating - July 13, 2016
Overwatch's first new post-launch hero has officially been revealed after hints and teasers.
Earlier this month we saw twitter hints of the weapon Ana Amari used, and now we've had the introduction video released and she looks awesome
Ana Amari is a founding member of Overwatch and Pharah's mother, she takes the role of a support sniper who uses a Biotic Rifle to both heal teammates and deal ongoing damage to enemies from long distances. Her secondary weapon, a Sleep Dart, knocks enemies unconscious for 5 seconds, but any damage will wake them. Ideal for getting away from that flanking reaper.
In addition to the rifle, she has a biotic grenade which can boost any healing sources to a friendly ally, or temporary halt the healing of the enemy. Goodbye Roadhog.
Finally, Ana's ultimate ability, the Nano Boost increases the movement speed, increased damage output, and takes reduced damage from the enemy. Can you imagine a boosted Genji?
Check out the video below, and also don't forget to have a sneaky peak at the Origins Trailer.