Star Citizen Updates - $141 Million Raised, Lumberyard And Alpha 2.6
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GamerDating - January 09, 2017
Star Citizen recently released the Alpha 2.6 giving access to Star Marine, an FPS shooter module, enhanced PU and a refined Arena Commander, a ship dogfighting battles.
Now Star Citizen revealed that in the Alpha 2.6 they snuck in the "Director Mode" allowing the community to create all sorts of screenshots and videos of the game. Cloud Imperium Games have now released a video, showcasing some of those screenshots and videos. Whew the game looks good.
The milestones just don't stop with the current backing amount sitting at $141 million with 1.7 milllion accounts signed up ready to play. You can back to get access to the alpha releases.
Finally Cloud Imperium Games announced they are changing from Crytek to Amazon's new free AAA open source engine called Lumberyard.
Check out the sexy video of the director mode below:
And if you are not familiar with Star Citizen check out "What is Star Citizen Video" updated and released alongside with Alpha 2.6:
Will you be taking to the stars on a game date?