We Now Have Way More Sympathy for Game Devs
Posted By:
Melissa - December 19, 2015
Welcome to all the new members pouring in!
First off, thank you to everyone here. This site is the dream of three gamers and it is incredible to share it with all of you. What started as an off-hand idea has bloomed into the work of our every waking moment and we are so grateful you are here.
Some of you may have noticed the challenges we have had with our current version. Several members were magically transported to far away lands last month when we implemented auto-geolocation. Thank you so much for your patience while we sorted that all out. We are certainly more sympathetic to the game devs who have to patch the heck out of their games now.
We have been alerted to another bug, this one to do with our game key system. Our dev team has been up all night sorting the problem, however, there is a possibility some of you might be affected. If you are a Gold or Silver member and haven’t redeemed your key(s), please do that as soon as possible and alert us if it is not working.
While we bounce back from this, our list of reward games will be shorter than we like it to be. Rest assured, we will be adding more Gold and Silver games in the coming days and if anyone’s game key has been affected, please email us at support@gamerdating.com with your member URL.