WoW Classic Demo will be included with Blizzcon Virtual Ticket
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GamerDating Team - September 27, 2018

WoW Classic is coming!
This year, BlizzCon Virtual Ticket holders will join BlizzCon attendees as the first people to play the World of Warcraft Classic demo we’re creating for BlizzCon at home.
After the Youtube: Blizzcon Preview 2018 and the opening ceremony on November 2 (on or around 1pm PDT), players will be able to download the same in-development BlizzCon WoW Classic Demo that will be playable on the show floor. Players will have a chance to explore and enjoy a limited questing experience through a pair of classic early-level zones—one Horde and one Alliance—and experience firsthand our recreation of the original Azeroth.
People believe it will be Westfall and Durotar due to the Defias and Quillboar comments.
Once the demo is live, you’ll be able to play until 10am PST on November 8, giving BlizzCon attendees a chance to check it out again once they get back home.
The demo will run from November 2nd to November 8th.
The demo will feature two zones, one for the Horde and one for the Alliance.
The demo appears to go beyond level 10, as you will be able to spend a few talent points.
Access is available through the Blizzcon Virtual Ticket, which costs $50 USD, £35 GBP, $70 CAD/AUS €40 EUR
Check out their announcement video, and QnA:
At Blizzcon we will likely see a panel where they discuss their aims and how they want to recreate this classic experience.
Source: WoW