60fps Live Streaming on YouTube in HTML5
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Gamerdating Team - May 22, 2015
Since Amazon purchased Twitch earlier this year, there has been rumours, speculation and questions who will next step up against the giant. It seems YouTube is finally edging into the arena.
YouTube have announced their new 60fps live streaming. A few months ago, they release 60fps playback, and now the new HTML5 streaming allowing 720p60 and 1080p60, which means silky smooth playback for gaming and other fast-action videos.
We know high frame rates are especially important for gaming streams, so we’ve worked with Elgato and XSplit on new versions of Elgato Game Capture, XSplit Broadcaster, and XSplit Gamecaster that support 60fps live streaming to YouTube, available for download starting today. In addition, any app using our live streaming API can add a new high frame rate flag to enable 60fps streaming.
But wait, there’s more! We’ve also added another long-requested feature for live streaming: HTML5 playback. As of this week, YouTube live streams will use an HTML5 player in supported browsers. And because our HTML5 player supports variable speed playback, you can skip backward in a stream while it’s live and watch at 1.5x or 2x speed to catch back up.
You can read more over at the YouTube Blog. We at GamerDating love streams, frequent Twitch and would love to talk to streamers, those established or setting off on the quest to be the next big hit.
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