Blizzards Overwatch address female diversity
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Gamerdating Team - March 09, 2015
Ever since Blizzards FPS: Overwatch was announced we've been on the edge of our seats watching the awesome cinematic and arguing over who looks coolest.
One issue was raised where it was observed that female characters lacked coverage of all roles. Blizzard has answered with Zarya.
Announced at PAX East 2015, Zarya, is a Russian soldier who is one of "world's strongest women.":
We've been hearing a lot of discussion among players about the need for diversity in video games. That means a lot of things. They want to see gender diversity, they want to see racial diversity, they want to see diversity along the lines of what country people are from. There is also talk about diversity in different body types in that not everybody wants to have the exact same body type always represented. And we just want you to know that we're listening and we're trying hard and we hope Zarya is a step in the right direction.
Additionally they are attempting to address all concerns:
We want everybody to come and play. Increasingly people want to feel represented from all walks of life, everywhere in the world. Boys and girls—everybody. We feel indebted to do our best to honor that.
So what is your favourite character so far?
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