DropZone Now Free to Play on Steam
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GamerDating - April 13, 2017
Dropzone is an action strategy game where you control up to 3 customised giant robots in 15 minute matches. Equip your robots (we call them Rigs) with different weapons, body types, and specialised gear that determine what abilities you bring into a match.
The goal of the game is to fight against your opponents in a race to destroy neutral AI-controlled aliens called the Kavash, and deposit the resources they drop into a capture point at the centre of the map. Whoever has the most points at the end of 15 minutes wins!
The game offers both PVP, Moba style and Coop vs computer so you can play with your special someone and defend against swarms of Kavash. In addition the contracts mode helps provide rewards while you progress through Coop.
While Dropzone can require intensive micro as you control 3 robots, their is the 3v3 mode where it is more of a moba and you only control one robot.
It is now free on steam and you can play now.
Check out the trailer below: