E3 Monday Recap
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Gamerdating Team - June 16, 2015
E3 continued on Monday, and after following the slam dunk of Bethesda it was a hard gig to headline. Collecting the information from E3 again we list the top news here:
- The next Gear of War was confirmed.
- Sony confirmed The Last Guardian will release next year.
- Call of Duty will have DLC debut on PlayStation.
- The next Mass Effect has a name and it's Andromeda.
- Dark Souls 3 will be the last one in the series.
- South Park: Stick of Truth is getting a sequel: Fractured, But Whole
- Star Wars: Battlefront.
- Alex's personal favourite news of the entire E3 so far... FF7 remake.
What has been your favourite news?
What are you eager to see?