Subscription Rewards
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Gamerdating Team - February 14, 2015
Online dating can often be a long, daunting quest and we want to reward you for your valor. We are gamers, we LOVE games so we figured we could offer games for free in our paid subscriptions.
This can do two things:
- Share and offer our favorite games
- Support and promote indie games, devs and spread beta access
Regrettably the majority of offered games are for the PC, due to the nature of online keys. We are always looking for new partnerships and ways to make our users smile so keep an eye out for new rewards being added.
Feel free to offer your own suggestions for game keys by tweeting us suggestions @gamerdating
This month we have some great games available such as:
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls add-on.
Season 2 has just launched and I was convinced to give D3 another try. I picked up D3: ROS and the game has changed, for the better! Pick up a key with our gold package and take your special someone on a journey hacking and slashing.
Guild Wars 2 (Heroic Edition).
GW2 is constantly updating and has announced its new expansion Heart of Thorns, and is one of our top MMOs. In fact it was the first MMO, I (Alex) and my girlfriend explored together... We played Sylvari. So you can do this too!
Civilization 5 (GOTY).
Civ 5 is one of those must have games, a game which you will lose countless hours in, hours which you won't even realize have passed, until its too late. I often play this with my partner and we love conquering the world together. A game perfect for a long "play by email" strategy for that certain someone?
We are also offering SimCity, Borderlands 2, Magicka, Dead Island: Riptide, Orcs Must Die! and Alan Wake. All are games someone on the team has enjoyed and are generally seen as great games.
We will update our offered list from time to time, as game keys disappear and we meet cool new developers and partners.
So, good luck on your quest for love and in the mean time, happy gaming!