Loot Boxes Are Killing Games - The Backlash Begins
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GamerDating - October 10, 2017
It has been a long time coming with season passes, launch DLC, pre-orders and loot boxes slowly eroding the market and dropping those Triple AAA titles to yet another half-cocked content grab game.
Thanks to the Star Wars BattleFront 2 Beta that passed us we saw some horrific Loot Box practices and it started a massive community backlash.
OpenCritic announced in a tweet they were taking a stand against these practices, and are looking at introducing a score effected rating based on how loot boxes are handled.
We're going to take a stand against loot boxes. We're looking into ways to add business model information to OpenCritic.
— OpenCritic (@Open_Critic) October 9, 2017
Top influencers Jim Stirling, Angry Joe, and Total Biscuit also waded amongst the communities fighting back.
We have seen influencers talk about practices before and sadly bar the initial knee-jerk reaction, nothing really changes. However, websites like OpenCritic which can influence a score rating, that can directly affect a publisher or investors view of a game success... this may actually work.
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