Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Wildlands Release 5 Hours Free!
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GamerDating - August 07, 2017
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Wildlands is a military shooter in a massive open world that you can play entirely solo or in four-player co-op. While they claim a unique play experience it is the standard ubisoft open world experience, with a modern military twist with an awesome 4 player coop bolted on.
The Free Trial will provide you with full access to the content of the main game until you reach 5 hours of playtime. Once you hit this limit, you will not be able to play anymore but your progression will carry over if you purchase the full game.
An interesting way to have a demo, a timed limit and hopefully if your experience is painless it won't be 5 hours of troubleshooting.
The trial is currently only available for consoles PS4 and Xbox and requires console subscription.
If you opt to buy the game afterwards, progress continues where you stopped.
To read more check out their announcement.