WildStar is going Free-to-play
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Gamerdating Team - May 29, 2015
WildStar announced with a funky video that Free to Play is confirmed and set to land this fall.
Offering people the usual free to play experience with varied limitations and in game purchases covering the cosmetic and convience options, WildStar will join the ranks of teetering on the edge of "Free-to-play or Pay-to-win" debates.
Time will tell, but for a in-depth annoucement check out the news post covering all the comparsions between Free to Play and Subscription options.
We played WildStar in the beta a few years ago, but never picked it up at launch. With the announcement of the free-to-play option I for one (Alex) will be giving WildStar a quick go.
Do you still play, do you feel this is a good change? Tweet us.