The Witness Finally Gets a Release Date
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The GamerDating Team - September 17, 2015
In 2009 after the success of his first game, Braid, Jonathan Blow announced that his next game, The Witness, would be released ‘Christmas 2011’. Blow told Polygon:
"I thought it was going to be a much smaller game at the time, so when I announced it. Of course, the reaction on the internet was, ‘Oh my god, that's so far in the future. Why are they even bothering announcing it two years ahead of time?' Now it's six and a half years later.”
Today, Blow uploaded a trailer to YouTube confirming a release date of January 26th, 2016 for PS4 and PC. What may have started out as a small game has become a massive open-world with 677 puzzles to solve. Blow estimates that completionists will need to spend over 80 hours to do every challenge, however you don’t need to solve every puzzle to finish the game.