GamerDating Update - Console rewards, bugs and improvements
Posted By:
GamerDating Team - November 23, 2018
PC, Xbox, PS4, Nintendo - We are all gamers
This month we've rolled out improvements and fixes for mobile, including css fixes for desktop and some user accessibility improvements.
Each week we take your feedback, bug reports and suggestions and plug them into our roadmap.
We had a few reports from users who got stuck in a loop, or on the thank you page. What can we say? We just like saying thank you!
However we have fixed that, so we will only say it once. ;)
The loop states have been fixed in both the sign up process and on the thank you page.
We also have put in place a few stop gaps for spammers in preparation for our big update which will stop them dead. You can read more about our spam war here.
Console gamers need love too!
Our big update this month is broadening our games available with our subscription packages.
We now offer games for both Playstation and Xbox consoles and we are looking at offering Nintendo and other platforms in the future. So many of our console gamers have been waiting to sub on this one because they didn't want a PC game (You know, like you don't want a mobile game sometimes for your PC franchise... - Ed), so we hope it makes ya'll happy!
As we expand our platforms available we have also seperated PC games available on Steam, GoG, Origin and and added a filter to the game selection page when subscribing so you can find and pick what you like.
Finally we've made it so you have the ability to subscribe and opt for no game or reward key bundled in if you don't want one (Although not getting a free reward with your subscription and chosing not to take that reward is pretty sadistic - Ed).
We currently offer a 2-month subscription with Silver package games, and we offer a 4-month subscription with Gold package games, or you can opt to take two Silver games instead with your gold package.
Of course, free accounts can sign up, create their profile in full, add images, select their game library and start getting matched, message and 1up'ing people straight away too!
If anyone with a subscription messages a free user though, free users can respond to any subscribed user too as which is the way we reward our subscribers.
We are always open to feedback and suggestions, so what type of games or rewards would you like to see here?
Here are our full update notes:
- Article URL linking is improved.
- Article videos on mobile now behaves correctly.
- Article text on mobile now does not overlap other text.
- Articles on mobile now display on homepage correctly.
- Fixed bug where users would loop to the dashboard.
- Fixed bug where users would loop on the thank you page after signup.
- Added clearer continue buttons on signup.
- CSS - Fonts corrected.
- CSS - Subscription page text spacing fixed.
- Option to subscribe and opt-out of game key.
- Back-end management improvements.
- Back-end spam war tool improvements stage 2.
- Added Xbox and Playstation rewards for console users in the United States (European, Canadian and UK console gamers will be getting rewards too within the next month).
Additionally this month we have already added a huge range of new PC games which can be seen in our Novembers rewards post. Stay tuned for our upcoming console games post.
Please please, if you find a bug, report it.
Send in screenshots, videos and if you can, detailed information on how to replicate it.
Any bugs we can confirm we will fix and award that reporter with some free time to say thanks. <3
Don't forget to send in feedback and help us shape the best platform for you to find your player 2.
That's it for this update, as usual, thanks for reporting in all those bugs you do find, everyone who does as usual gets a month's access to GamerDating for free so we hope everyone who found them before is having fun!
We are here for you guys, so if you need us for anything please reach out and we'll solve whatever is bugging you (pun intended).
The GamerDating Team